Will you face the challenge (again) in 2019? The registration has started ...

The registration for Weissensee 2019 started Saturday, June 15, 2018. Just like in 2018, the Weissensee Performance Tour will also be organized four times during the Elfstedentochtocht.

For the speed skaters there are four Alternative Elfstedentochtchten and the Weissensee Prestatieocht on the program this year. The Performance Tour starts at 09:00 each time and has a distance of 100 kilometers. Please note that the timekeeping starts at 09:00 and stops at 100 kilometers. Do you want to start earlier or drive more kilometers, then sign up for an Alternative Elfstedentocht.

The program for Weissensee 2019 can be found here.

Participation costs

The participation costs for the tours and the Weissensee Performance Tour are the same as in 2018. Those who register before 1 January receive a discount on the registration fee. Of course it is also possible to register from 1 January, or on the Weissensee itself.

By registration before 1 January 2019 (price per tour)

Alternative Elfstedentochtocht (200km), up to 16 years € 37.50
Alternative Elfstedentochtocht (200km), from 17 years € 75.00
Weissensee Performance Tour (100km), up to 16 years € 27.50
Weissensee Performance Tour (100km), from 17 years € 55.00

On registration from 1 January 2019 (price per tour)

Alternative Elfstedentochtocht (200km), up to 16 years € 45.00
Alternative Elfstedentochtocht (200km), from 17 years € 90.00
Weissensee Performance Tour (100km), up to 16 years € 35.00
Weissensee Performance Tour (100km), from 17 years € 70.00

The discount for young people only applies if the participant is not yet 17 years or older during the event.

A prerequisite for participation is membership at Stichting Wintersporten, the organizing foundation of the Alternative Elfstedentocht Weissensee. The annual contribution has been increased to € 30.00. This is the first increase in more than 10 years and necessary because of the increased fixed costs.

Register immediately and / or become a member? Click HERE

You can log in on the registration page if you are already a member or become a member. After logging in as a member you will see the "online registration 2019" button. By clicking on this you start the registration procedure. The registration is complete after you have paid the amount due via Ideal or credit card (Visa / Mastercard both against surcharge). After approval of the payment you will receive a confirmation by e-mail. After logging in you will arrive at the secure site of our partner Ultimate Sport Service (secure.onreg.com). Before you can make the payment, you must agree with the privacy statement of our partner Ultimate Sport Service, entirely in accordance with the new European legislation.

If you have questions and / or comments you can send an e-mail to the organization via info@weissensee.nl